環保救國攏係假 財團治國卡係真
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0930-0945 「環保救國攏係假」記者會
0945- 快閃行動開始(繞行結束後各自解散,也歡迎至環保署旁聽專案小組審查會議)
聯絡人 台灣媽祖魚保育聯盟 甘宸宜小姐 0982-225613
Lies: “Saving Taiwan with Environmental Protection”;
Truth: “Turning the Country Over to Corporate Cronies”
Flash Mob Protest In Front of the Presidential Office
Initiating GroupsTruth: “Turning the Country Over to Corporate Cronies”
Flash Mob Protest In Front of the Presidential Office
Matsu’s Fish Conservation Union (Taiwan Academy of Ecology, Taiwan Sustainable Union, Taiwan Environmental Protection Union, Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association Taiwan, Yunlin Wild Bird Federation, Changhua Coast Conservation Alliance), Changhua Environmental Protection Union
On the second anniversary of taking office Ma Ying-jeou came up with his line about using environmental protection to save the country, however all anyone can observe is toadying to short term economic interests of a few corporate cronies, toadying that has taken the form of interference with the environmental impact assessment process to an unprecedented extent. The government has lost control and the country is being delivered to a few conglomerates to do as they please.
The private shareholders of the Kuokuang Petrochemical Park development went to the government moaning about the EIA process and threatened to pull out if there project doesn’t get the go ahead from the EIA Committee by year’s end. Wu Dun-yih thereupon called on the Environmental Protection Agency to hold a series of back to back meetings so that the projects construction can go ahead as planned. Last week a meeting was held on ocean geology impacts of the project, and this week four meetings are scheduled, including three experts meetings (impact on dolphins, water resources and human health) as well as a meeting of the subcommittee that is screening the case which is in its second phase EIA.
The frequency and intensity of the meetings has broken all records, including that set by the Fourth Phase of the Central Science Park. Without even asking whether or not the experts and academics that have been invited to participate have sufficient time to read the materials and prepare for the meetings, the conglomerates need only to say “jump” and the government says “how high”. Perhaps we are naive to ask the officials: “you are supposed to be servants of the “public”, does the public now only include artificial persons like corporations?”
So as the committee of commissioners prepares to review the Kuokuang development project, we would like to use a small flash mob to send Mr. Ma the message that “Before we believe you are serious about environmental protection saving Taiwan, you are going to have shake off the corporate predators that you continue to invite to take over the nation”.
When: 11 June 2010 (Friday 0930)
Where: In front of the First Girls High School, No.165, Sec. 1, ChongqingS. Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City
-Use any manner to express Lies: “Saving Taiwan with Environmental Protection” or Truth: “Turning the Country Over to Corporate Cronies” as a slogan or on your clothing, or print the attachment to this notice (there will be slogans available at the site).
-After the press conference pair up (less than three does not constitute a subject of the Parade and Assembly Law) and walk around the Presidential Building one time and then the event ends – all are welcome to come to Conference Room 5 on the fourth floor of the EPA to join the subcommittee meeting on the Kuokuang project. (83, Zhonghua Rd. Sec. 1, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City)
0930-0945 Press conference: Lies: “Saving Taiwan with Environmental Protection”
0945- Flash mob – once around the presidential building then to the EPA for the meeting on Kuokuang Petrochemical Industrial Park
Contact: Taiwan Matsu’s Fish Conservation Union Ms. GAN Chen-yi 0982-225613